Personalized Smart Pharmacy Situation Room, Implementation of BI and AI telepharmacy service to provide the Cross-institution active pharmaceutical care.

In the past five years, medication errors accounted for about 1/3 of the total incidents. Managers urgently need to implant a customization long-term care information management system to help them improve medication quality and medication safety.

We continued the “cross-border active telepharmacy service model” that has been proposed last year, and developed a set of telepharmacy system with Artificial intelligence and BI data visual management function. It provided to the caregivers for medication harm prevention and rapid pharmaceutical decision-making.

Until July 2011, a total of 134 residents were served and 13 nurses were further interviewed online about their satisfaction with this service model.

This service implanted artificial intelligence (AI) and BI visualization technology and redesigns the overall pharmaceutical care process. Pharmacists in hospital can conduct online discussions with nurses through online reports every week. The overall operation process time has been reduced from three months and 524 minutes to one week and 149 minutes. Otherwise the value-added time for a single resident’s medication care operation has been reduced from 404 minutes to 119 minutes, and the operation cycle time has been reduced by 375 minutes, and its process efficiency (PCE) has also increased from 77.10% to 79.86%.

In this case, AI technology is applied to assist nurses to quickly complete the assessment of bedsores, and accurate feedback is provided to the BI visual report, so that the nurse in charge and the pharmacist can communicate with each other through the remote information platform, and the visual report also allows caregivers to quickly understand residents’ medication problems, and then provide a more effective medication care plan, which also virtually increases the medication safety of residents.

Last Updated on 2023 年 7 月 7 日 by 3535

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