First Aid Equipments


The Thumper is an automated chest compression device used for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It offers advantages such as sustained pressure, effective compression depth and rhythm, reduced human factors, configurability and safety, and continuous CPR. Its application in CPR helps improve resuscitation success rates and increase the chances of patient survival.


The emergency room of the hospital uses a ” cardiac monitor and defibrillator” that combines heart rhythm monitoring and defibrillation functions. It is used to continuously monitor the heart rhythm of high-risk patients. In the event of a life-threatening arrhythmia, it can be immediately used to administer an electric shock.


A ventilator is a medical device that can effectively replace, control, or alter a person’s normal physiological respiration. It increases lung ventilation, improves respiratory function, reduces respiratory effort, and conserves cardiac reserve. It can provide breathing support and perform mechanical ventilation for patients who are physiologically unable to breathe or have inadequate breathing.


EMMA Capnograph with its intuitive waveform display provides confirmation of efficacy of endotracheal tube placement, enables clinicians to assess effectiveness of CPR allowing recognition of the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC); the capnogram enables assesment of both depth and effectiveness of compressions. A must for EVERY emergency grab bag!

Last Updated on 2023 年 7 月 10 日 by 3535

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