Say goodbye to GERD for good! We provide synergistic treatment to keep heartburn and reflux from recurring.

Since March,2018, Yuan-Rung health system had invited Dr. Wu, Wen-chieh, as the chief of division of gastroenterology in Yuan-Sheng Hospital. After the role model learning in H.H. Chao Comprehensive Digestive Disease Center, UCI, Yuan-Sheng Hospital established the first GERD center in Taiwan in October,2018. Currently, the excellent team includes one gastroenterologist, two technicians and one nurse practitioner. The primary value is the needs of the patient come first! The mission of GERD center is to help GERD patients return their normal life by advanced and comprehensive diagnosis and treatments.

The Yuan-Sheng GERD center makes effort to be the pioneer of innovative technologies and becomes the first institution in Taiwan to provide the comprehensive and advanced diagnosis and treatments of GERD, including The Digitrapper™ reflux testing system, the Bravo™ reflux testing system, the ManoScan™ esophageal manometry system, MonoStereo 3D System, the InsightEyes EGD System and Stretta procedure. We also promote good educations and communications for patients and physicians. Therefore, more than 40 videos for integrating information of GERD were made and shared publicly for free. In 2020, we also published the book for the patient education and held the first Taiwan-Korea YES- GERD meeting for the communication of physicians. During these two years, there were more than 10 experts visiting our center to learn innovate procedures and three of them were from Middlemore Hospital, New Zealand. Our vision is to be the most trusted partner of patients, physicians and medical industries in field of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Last Updated on 2023 年 7 月 7 日 by 3535

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