Acute bronchitis, pneumonia


It refers to inflammation of part of all of the lungs. Bacterial pneumonia means bacterial growth in the lungs rapidly. Patients would have the symptoms: chills, high fever, severe cough, purulent sputum, shortness of breathing and chest pain. If not treated properly, the bacteria can enter the bloodstream: to the brain causing meningitis, to the ear causing otitis media, and spreading throughout the body causing bacteremia and sepsis leading to complications- multiple organ failure. While symptoms of viral pneumonia are similar to flu: fever, dry cough, weakness muscle pain, high fever and etc.


Acute bronchitis:

It refers to bronchial inflammation. The bronchi are tube-like structures that carry air in and out of the lungs. When these air-carrying tubular structures become inflamed, they will also secrete extra mucus. The swelling of the tracheal wall and the mucus in it will hinder the circulation of air, causing patients to have difficulty breathing. Patients often have a cough with phlegm. Symptoms are as follows: wheezing, rales, chest pain, fever, weakness, fatigue and hoarseness



  1. Take in proper nutrition, increase protein and calories and increase body resistance.


  1. Increase the water intake.


  1. Avoid smoking and second-hand smoke.


  1. Avoid eating cold, irritating and gas-producing foods.


  1. Do not go to public places when a cold is prevalent or the resistance is weak. Pay attention to personal hygiene and wash hands frequently


  1. Keep in good eating habits, get enough sleep and exercise moderately


  1. Do not adjust the medicine by yourself. If you have the following conditions, you need to go back to the hospital for treatment immediately: Vomiting, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, rapid heartbeat, trembling, insomnia, convulsions, shock, skin rash, gastrointestinal discomfort and other side effects of the drug.


  1. Vaccination every year.


Last Updated on 2023 年 7 月 7 日 by 3535

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